Our Mission

Our brains and AI systems solve computational challenges in a distributed manner encoded in the collective activity of neural populations. Our research seeks to understand the dynamical processes underpinning neural computations to derive algorithmic principles shared by these fundamentally different systems.

We are motivated by two synergistic aims:

1. Developing novel methods using machine learning, geometry and dynamical systems theory for discovering better models of how the brain works,
2. Reverse-engineering the dynamical systems that underpin cognitive processes to develop more advanced AI systems that benefit clinical applications such as brain-machine interfaces.

Selected Research

MARBLE: Interpretable representations of neural dynamics using geometric deep learning

Nature Methods, 2025

The MARBLE method is a fully unsupervised representation learning approach to obtain interpretable latent representations of neural dynamics. More generally, it introduces a statistical learning paradigm for non-linear dynamical systems based on a decomposition of the dynamical attractor into local flow fields. MARBLE representations achieve state-of-the-art decoding accuracy in neural dynamics and allow comparing computations across biological and artificial neural networks.

Unfolding the multiscale structure of networks with dynamical Ollivier-Ricci curvature

Nature Communications, 2021

Develops a discrete geometric measure, the dynamical Ollivier-Ricci curvature, to discover a fundamental link between the information flows over the network and its connectivity. Using this geometric theory, it describes the thermodynamic detection limit of network clusters. This geometric theory leads to a practically useful algorithm for computing information propagation in networks.

LiftPose3D, a deep learning-based approach for transforming two-dimensional to three-dimensional poses in laboratory animals

Nature Methods, 2021

Our method demonstrates the possibility of monocular 3D pose estimation (i.e., using one camera only) in freely behaving laboratory settings with few training poses, hardware limitations and occluded body parts. It opens the door to 3D kinematic analyses of laboratory animals in biomechanical and robotic studies, where data was limited to 2D poses.


Adam Gosztolai

Principal Investigator

Bálint Király

Bálint Király

Postdoctoral researcher
BSc/MSc Physics
PhD Neuroscience

Albert López I Serrano

Albert López I Serrano

PhD Student
BSc/MSc Mathematics

Dennis Duncan

Dennis Duncan

PhD Student
BSc/MSc Physics

Jan Leszczyk

Jan Leszczyk

Master's Student
BSc Computer science

Robert Peach

Robert Peach

Visiting Researcher
PhD Appl. Mathematics


Jakob Lembacher (Medical student, Diplomarbeit, "Pose estimation in macaques")

Lab News

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Adam Gosztolai (PI) is awarded the WWTF Vienna Research Group grant (1.6m EUR) to develop a foundation model of primate locomotion.

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Adam Gosztolai (PI) is awarded an ERC Starting grant (1.5m EUR) for the project NEURO-FUSE!

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The Dynamics of Neural Systems Laboratory opens its doors. If you are in Vienna, come and say hi!